Thursday, 24 November 2016

Teacher Attitude Scale

Teacher Attitude Scale is a special type of questionnaire designed to produce scores indicating the intensity and feelings about an object or event. The attitude scale towards teaching profession has been constructed not only with the objective of finding the attitude of teachers towards teaching profession but it is also hoped that the findings of this scale would enable the investigators to make suggestions to wards improving the teacher perception towards their profession.
There is a list of statements about the teaching profession. Read each of them carefully then put a tick mark in the cell provided on the right side of the statements with which we agree,  otherwise cross it.
"Attitude score = Total of scale value with tick marks /Number of statement with tick marks."
                   TAS is the better way to understand the teaching profession.

Eysenck personality inventory

The Eysenck personality inventory measures two pervasive independent dimensions of personality. Extraversion,introversion and neuroticosm- stability which account for most of the variance in the personality domain. In psychology, Eysenck personality Questionnaire is questionnaire  to assess the personality  traits of person,with the result some time refessed to as the Eysenck's  personality inventory.  It was devised by the psychologists Hans Jurgen Eysenck and Sybil B. Gestalt Eysenck.
EPI has contain 57 questions. Each questions there is a space for answering yes or no. If your answer is yes or no ; Then put a cross under the column headed yes or no. This is not a test of intelligence or ability but simply a measure of way we behave .