Saturday 11 February 2017


The term curriculum derives from the Latin word ‘currere’ which means a kind of route which the learner travels. All the activities going on the school or outside of the school is called curriculum. It is basic to the intellectual, physical, moral and emotional development of the child


·        Curriculum is a tool in the hands of the Artist (Teacher), to mould his/her materials (Students), according to his/her ideals (objectives) in his/her studio (College/School).-Cunningham
·        Curriculum comprises all the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually inside or outside of the school.- Kerr


1.     Principle of Child-Centeredness
Curriculum is mainly for the students. So, the age, interest, capability, capacity, aspiration, needs and psychology of the learner should be taken in to an account
2.     Principle of Preservation/Conservation
It should help in the preservation /conservation and transmitting the knowledge, traditions, standards of conduct on which the culture and civilization depend.
3.     Principle of forward-looking
The aim of life-centered education is not limited to the present life-situations in the family and society. Hence, education must prepare the child of shouldering future responsibilities. So in farming the curriculum we must take into consideration the future needs of the child as well as the needs of the society.
4.     Principles of creativeness:
Education not only conserves that past experiences of humanity but also helps an individual to develop his innate potentialities.
5.     Principles of Activity
6.     Principle of preparation for living:
The children should know the various activities of the environment around them and how these activities are enabling people to meet their basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, recreation, health and education.
7.     Principle of individual difference:
The curriculum should be framed in such a way that every individual can have opportunity for self-expression and development. The curriculum should be based on the psychology of individual difference, which can meet the complexities of modern democratic society.
8.     Principle of Balance (Child = Community)
It is also called principle of Integration. The curriculum should integrate:
1. Cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives and abilities
2. Knowledge and experience
3. Objectives and content
4. Child’s activity and needs with the society needs and activity.
It should be related to the social environment of the students. Here the equal/balance importance should be given to the need of the Child and need of the Community
9.     Principle of Elasticity / Flexibility
Flexibility is an important parting curriculum development. It should given enough time and sufficient chance to the students, to search their own examples and experience from the surroundings

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