Sunday 28 August 2016

Capacity Building Programme

Capacity Building Programme is a conceptual approach to social as personal the develop that focuses on understanding the obstacles that inhibit people,governments,international organizations and non -governmental organizations from exalizing their Developmental ideas while enhancing the abilities that will allow them to achieve measurable and sustainable result.
As a part of our B. Ed curriculum our college opt the topic Capacity Building Programme. Under Capacity Building Programme,  the skill of self awareness is selected. Proper guidance on the topic was given by mrs.  Shameema. She mainly provided us to activities.
      The first one was to make a note on our personal details.
       The second activity under self awareness programme was that, she provided as a key which contains some positive and negative statements and we select our own positives and negatives and also the same characteristics of two of our peers.
     In our groups also these are three subjects.

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