Saturday 10 September 2016



Social science is difined as any scientifiic field that investigates human society. It deals with detailed and systematic study of human relationships. They are written adults. However, social science provide a lot of konwledge and a social scientist is ever willing to add a little more of human knowledge through his reasearch and enquiry.
 Social studies is a school subject that deals with the human relationship.  In social studies we deal with man and his interaction with his fellow beings and with his surroundings and environment.
Social science consists  the theoretical part of  human affairs whereas the social studies deals with the partical part of human relationships.
                   It has been amply made clear in the previous section that social studies is not a combination of history, Geography, Civics etc and that it is an independent field of study.  It delas with the study of relation ship and interrelations historical geographical and social and it provides the young mind the basic of publlic knowledge and orientation to llife.  The main aim is to give better understaing of present problems.  We try to give our future citizens some true undersataing of the development of mankind.  We attempt to trace with the children and fascinating story of how man has developed through the ages of how man has studied to use and control his evironment and how his life has been influenced by this, how our instituions have grown out of the past and should, therefore be respected and how they have undergone many changes to meet changing needs and must undergo many more from time to time.

          The words “Social” and “studies” are quite important in terms of “Social studies”.  It emphasis that the study must be “social” ie. a study of society and through society.  It is a study of society both in time and space.  It delas with the study of the development vwrious social instituions such as family, caste system, marriage, governace etc.  It is a study for the improvement of society.  In social studies we expect thst the present generation of the pupils will become better individuals and more effective members of the various groups in which they function.
The scope of a subject defines the parameters of study of the subject such as the depth, comprehensiveness variety etc.
(1)Vastness of Scope
          The scope of the social stuides is very vast.  It is as wide as the world and as long as the history of man.  It is a study of human relationships and include sof the following areas of relationships.  Relationship between:
(1)             People and people
(2)             People and instituons
(3)             People and earth
(4)             People and goods
          To understand these relationships it is essential that the student is provided with a basic knowledge of history, geography, economics, civics etc.  Moreover all these subjects commonloy reffered to as social science should be synthesized into a compact whole by blending them together.  It helps to remove limitations of each subject. 
(2)Functional study of Natural Sciences and Fine Arts.
The Social Science and natural Sciences are different areas of study but they are quite inerdependent on eachother.  The knowledge of physics , chemistry, botony, zoology, Physiology etc. all are required in the study socila studies.
Then the functional study of fine arts such as drwing, constructing, painting, music, dance, dramatization is also included in the curriculum of social studies.  These art provide the content that is needed for a better understanding of people and the world.  Social studes should mean something happening to pupils and teachers and not merely something studied by them.
(3) A study of Current Affairs
          Current affairs are those events that delad with our present problems and issues.  Every current affairs finds its background in the past.  So it provides a great source of both historical and geographical learning.
(4)Internation understanding
          One of the objectives of any educational programmes is the promotion of international understanding.  The Indian children must learn”Brotherhood of mankind” and for this he should be made familiar with his personal needs, the needs of society as also the various problems that arise in modern day society by living together.
(5)Practical study of defferent resources
        In social science curriculum we must include such new elements like character eduction, civil rights, cooperatives, social behaviour inter cultural relations and planning etc.  It would be better to undertake excursions and visits to differnet towns and places of historical, economical, cultural, geographical, scientific and educational importance.  The studentsd of scocial studies should be given a good exposure to library and community resources, social service activities etc.

        Above discussion make it abudantly clear that the scope of socoial science is limitless and that it derives its subject matter from all social science and relasted disciplines as also from literature, finearts, physical science, religion etc.
Need and Significance of social science
·       To know our society
·       To admire our heriditory /culture through the prosperitive sense.
·       In the olden days the child learnt about interpersonal relationship of his group at his home and his environments.
·       Comparison between World Civilizaions.
·       To get the right view for family, community, state, and nation.
·       Self sufficiency
·       Making  positive attitudes about Patriotism, Co-operation, Soverignity and tolerance etc.
·       Awareness of our society.

·       Teaching of Social Studies – A.S.Kohli (Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., Ansari Road, Daryadang, Delhi)

·       Social Studies in the class room Trends and Method – P.K. Susheesh Kumar, P.P. Npushad (Scorpio Publications, Calicut University, Kerala.)

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