Monday 15 May 2017

EDU. 09.10: Curriculum and Resources in Digital Era : Social Science Education

1. A curriculum is the sum total of a school's influence a child's
a. Personality    b. Attitude
c. Behaviour      d. Action
Ans : c
2. How many basic components of curriculum have
a. 2    b. 4     c. 6     d. 8
Ans : b
3. Which one is not the component of the curriculum.
a. Design          b. Contents
c. Objectives   d. Evaluation
Ans : a
4. Curriculum provides guidance for
a.  School          b.  Parents
c. Teacher         d. Students
Ans : d
5. Syllabus is a part of
a. Society          b. Class room
c. Curriculum    d. Activities
Ans : c
6. Teacher as per  NCF2005 is a
a. Boss               b. Leader
c. Facilitator      d. All the above
Ans : c
7. Effectiveness of curriculum is determined by
a. Objective        b. Design
c. Method           d. Evaluation
Ans : d
8. NCF Proposes the evaluation system should be based on
a.  Marks            b. Grades
c Both Marks and Grades
d. None of the above
Ans : b
9. The method used to evaluate the curriculum is
a.  Formative Evaluation
b. Summative Evaluation
c. Diagnostic Evaluation
d.  a, b& c
Ans : d
10. Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum.
a. Designing       b. Implementing
c. Evaluating      d. All above
Ans: d

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