Monday 15 May 2017

EDU 06 Education in Indian Society

1. Who composed the holy books called Vedas?
a. Dasyus     b. Guptas
c. Aryans      d. Buddhist
Ans: c
2. How many Vedas composed Aryans?
a. 6   b. 5  c. 3  d. 4
Ans: d
3. What was the first and earlist among Vedas?
a. Right veda    b. Sama veda
c. Yajur veda    d. Atharva veda
Ans: a
4. The religious books of Buddhism were written in
a. Palin or prakit  b. Hindi
c. Sanskrit            d. Bengali
Ans: a
5. The ceremony of initiation of education in Buddhism is called
a. Vidyarambam  b. Upanayanam
c. Pabajja             d. Uparampada
Ans : c
6. Which of the following is described as Magna Carta of indian education?
a. Sargent Commission
b. Wood's Despatch
c. Macaulay Minutes
d. Hunter Commission
Ans : d
7. Education falls under the
a. Concurrent List
b. Fundamental Rights
c. State List
d. Constitution of India
Ans: a
8. The policy recommended by the kothari Commission vis-a-vis language is
a. Three language formula
b. Two language formula
c. Hindi   d. Mother Tongue
Ans: a
9. Constitution of India came into effect from?
a. 15 January 1950
b. 26 January 1950
c. 15 August 1950
d. 15 January 1947
Ans : b
10. How many articles were there originally in constitution of India?
a. 395    b. 397  c. 403   d. 410
Ans :a
11. Purusha sukta is a part of which Vedas?
a. Sama veda   b. Atharva veda
c. Rig veda        d. Yajur veda
Ans: c
12. Veda has been derived from the word 'vid'. What is the meaning of vid?
a. God        b. Knowledge
c. Holy       d. Religious
Ans : b
13. Which of the following commission first decentralized the primary education?
a.  Hunter Commission
b. Mudaliar Commission
c. Kothari Commission
d. Sadler Commission
Ans : a
14. How many fundamental Rights are enjoyed by the Indians?
a. Nine    b. Ten   c. Seven  d. Six
Ans: d
15. Operation Black-Board programme was introduced to improve
a. Teacher education
b. Primary education
c. Secondary education
d. Higher education
Ans : b
16. Which of the following is the apex body in the area of teacher education in India?
a. UGC   b. MHRD  c. NCTE  d. NCERT
Ans : c
17. How many time it took for constituent Assembly to finalise the constitution?
a. 2 years 11 months 18 days
b. 2 years 9 months  8 days
c. 2 years 7 months 18 days
d. 2 years 5 months 20 days
Ans : a
18. RTI ACT 2005 came into force on
a. 12 October 2005
b. 15 August 2005
c. 15 June 2005
d. 1 November 2005
Ans : a
19. What is the time limit to get the information under RTI ACT 2005?
a. 15 days          b. 45 days
c.  60 days         d. 30 days
Ans : a
20. RTE ACT was implemented in India with effect from
a. 1st April 2009
b. 1st May 2010
c. 1st April 2008
d. 1st April 2010
Ans : b